All-Church Small Group Study


Week #1 Who is the HS and Why Care

Week #2 HS in OT

Week #3 HS in the NT

Week #4 HS in Acts

Week #5 Character HS Develops

Week #6 HS and You

The All-Church study begins this coming week (week beginning Sunday, April 8) and it is not too late to sign up to be in a group.  The focus will be: Who is the Holy Spirit?   The topics we will cover during this 6 week study include:

Who is Holy Spirit and Why Should I care?

Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

Holy Spirit in the New Testament

Holy Spirit in the Early Church

Our Character Holy Spirit Develops

Holy Spirit and You.

The weekly devotionals for this study are included at the top of this page for you to download.

Small groups will meet at a wide variety of times during the week beginning April 8 and concluding the week of May 13.  Everyone is welcome and no pre-level of knowledge of Holy Spirit is necessary to participate.  Sign-ups will begin mid-March in the church lobby or you can call the church office to reserve a spot (307-672-1717).

Let’s grow together as we understand this unique part of God nature.