Sunday Opportunities
September 9th
A special Sunday School Introduction and Kick-Off party will be held at the Kendrick Pool from 1 to 3 with ice cream to follow. We will then sit down and share all the educational activities for this Fall.
Sunday School offers classes for all ages at 10 AM.
The adults will continue to study the Book of Acts. We will begin with Chapter 13.
During the Worship Service at 10 AM, nursery care is provided for children 2 1/2 and younger. A special Sunday School time will take place for the rest of our pre-kindergarten children following the “Time with the Children” for our worship service. For those children who stay in worship, special child-oriented activities will be available.
9:00 AM following the 8 am worship and fellowship is our Bible study time.
LOGOS is moving to the 1st and 3rd Sunday afternoons beginning this fall!! LOGOS is an intergenerational ministry where all ages can meet together to learn, explore, and grow in their faith. The focus for this fall with our young people is The Creation. Here is the schedule and the dates.
3:00 to 3:00 Recreation
3:30 to 4:30 Bible*
4:30 to 5:00 Worship
5:00 to 6:00 Family/Dinner time
- This fall we are adding a special study time for parents and adults. It will be led by Pastor Paul.
September 9 and 23; October 14 and 28; November 11 and 25; December 9
Youth Groups meet on the 3rd Sunday Afternoon and Evening under the direction of CJ. In addition to sharing food, fun, and fellowship, the goal is to help our young men and women become Christian leaders. Call CJ for specific times, events and to get on her email list.